Beauty and The Beast is a Disney animated film created in 1991 that features songs written by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman. It tells the story of our main character, Belle, who longs for adventure. She ends up finding herself in one after saving her father and taking his place as prisoner to the big, scary beast. However, she soon sees the true beauty within, and that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
I fell in love with this movie because I related to Belle when I was younger. I loved books and movies and I longed to experience the same things that the characters I love had. Additionally, the style of the film, the songs, and the characters are so cozy and comforting.
This film teaches us all about love. You can find love by looking past who someone may seem to be. Love is found through kindness. Love is about sacrifices for the benefit of the other.
There are many more things we can learn from this movie, and so I recommend it to everyone, especially children.
Get to know the characters!
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